Labels:book | hakham | monitor | plant | reckoner | road | sky OCR: C.A. MPAIGN '92 WHERE THEY STAND ON SOCIAL SECURITY raftha criticaliasues of the comins Tdecade surely be the large growing shareof Tederal spending aarmarhed for thet aldarly Orarall, some 55%offadaralsocial spending orroughly 9348 billion vear- argost ND programs bone Hiting the 12%of icitizena age 55 But since seniors are more likely to vate than T. the population: asa whale the majar presi dentia candidates hanre been. reluct potential reforms the two biggest fed. aral ontidament pregrat for the alderiy Social Securit and Medicare. Instead. President Goprge Bush Damocrat Bill Clinton have unabashediy courtod the over-B5 age group with promises boost retir ronient bemetits. Independent Ross Perot, howevar. has taken a more controversial tack ing tocut Social Security rcosts $20 billion ...